There are so many things that I am inspired by on a daily basis. Whether they be fashion items, recipes, popular culture events or even just random occurrences and so I decided to blog a weekly Friday Favourites section, with this being the first!
Today was an extremely important and joyous Friday as it also happened to be the wedding day of Prince William and Catherine Middleton who are now known as The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. To honour this, I've focused this post on all of my Royal Wedding "favourites". I absolutely loved being a part of this day even from so far away as it brought back so many happy memories of my wedding day....especially when our colours were so similar and the reading read was also the one read on ours.... it brought me many smiles!
Here are my favourites:
5. High Tea Parties - Fancy teas, scones, preserves, Devonshire cream, tiny gourmet sandwiches and petite fours? Count me IN! I booked a high tea party to enjoy with my bridesmaids before our big day last summer and it was such a fun experience. Royal Wedding fever this week inspired many a tea party around the world...including a tiny one in my living room.
Our first selections at the Windsor Arms High Tea last summer. |
4. Understated Elegance - The entire broadcasted day seemed to flow effortlessly and with such ease. Every aspect of the wedding from the decor to the transportation just exuded class and elegance. However it was Kate's complete attire, that for me, portrayed such an element of understated elegance fit for a Princess. Yet everything still truly reflected her own style which made it just that much more beautiful!
3. Ceremonial Uniforms - Red Specifically - I secretly was hoping that Prince William would wear his Irish Guards uniform solely for the fact that it resembled the one my husband wore on our day. I have a serious weakness for men in uniform...scarlet ones to be specific of course!
2. Collective Celebratory Crowds - There is nothing more spectacular than the coming together of hundreds of thousands of strangers from around the world in celebration of love and marriage. I was in absolute awe as I watched the crowds assemble and a huge smile crept across my face as the collective cheer of joy was heard in the Church after the exchange of the vows. Together... anything is possible!
1. "Wait Till You See Her" - My absolute FAVOURITE moment of the entire event was when Prince Harry took a sneak peek for Prince William as Kate was walking up the aisle behind them and whispered to his older brother " Wait till you see her". Made me shed more than a few tears!
It looked to be such a spectacular day and exciting moment in history. Some question why the world was so involved or what the point is in investing such time and effort into this wedding.... for me its because every now and then its OK to be removed from the doom and gloom. Its OK to show genuine happiness for two people who are in love and its OK to believe in fairytales and happy endings...every now and then.